
[APCC2011] Roberto Ferrari教授谈冠心病流行现状和管理策略

作者:  RobertoFerrari   日期:2011/5/13 15:27:15


Roberto Ferrari 意大利Ferrara大学Anna医院心血管研究中心主任 《国际循环》:您曾提到过年轻人的冠心病,那么目前年轻患者的现状如何?应该如何管理这些患者?

   <International Circulation>: With especially the myocardial revascularization guidelines developed together with the EACTS, is this idea of teamwork and the ‘heart team’ one of the more important things to have emerged from those guidelines?


    Prof Ferrari: Theoretically yes, but as I said, not everyone can have the luxury of having a heart team. Not every hospital has a cardiac surgeon. Even in my hospital for example, there is no cardiac surgery. We refer patients to a nearby hospital (only thirty kilometers away) for surgery. The surgeon visits to discuss the cases twice a week. If we do a coronary angiogram, for example, and an angioplasty can be done, we try to do it immediately rather than wait for the surgeon to discuss it. So theoretically we should work as a team but it is not always possible. However, I believe that more and more cardiologists are acting on reflex – they see an occlusion and they dilate it. This is wrong. One needs to stop a moment and think about the cost benefit, whether a drug would be more appropriate and so on. This is common sense.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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