
[ACC2011]承载使命,开创未来——继任ACC主席David R.Holmes教授专访

作者:  Holmes   日期:2011/4/7 14:42:40



    <International Circulation>:  Our audience is primarily Chinese in China. Will they have access to this database of information?


       Prof.Holmes: I think they will. I think the intent is to have this be a platform developed which will indeed allow just-in-time learning and education at the point of patient care.


    <International Circulation>:  With advances in cardiovascular care and interventions comes increased costs, a wider range of potential complications, more intricate and complicated knowledge and specialty that the provider has to know. What is the best way to optimize intervention in 2011?


       Prof.Holmes:I think the optimal way to optimize intervention is to make sure we adhere to the fundamental principles that we learn more and more about. Those principle being: number one, interventional procedures, whether they be surgical procedures or whether they be in the catheter arena, should be tailored and focused towards specific needs. Those needs include relief of symptoms and relief of ischemia. Very few of the interventional procedures outside of acute infarction procedures result in improved survival and in the surgical arena, some result clearly in improved survival but in general, most of the time, the goal that we achieve most is relief of symptoms. Relief of symptoms and then relief of ischemia. I think by focusing on developing and continuing to implement appropriate use criteria (which will include the treatment of ischemia), we will really be able to make sure we are doing the right procedures in the right patients. The final piece that relates to that will be the widespread application of the “heart team” concept, which I think is essential in going forward. That was first most commonly brought to light in the SYNTAX trial. The SYNTAX trial came from Europe and then involved the United States, and made the point that in selecting the care of patients and identifying a treatment strategy we should have a team comprised of a cardiologist (sometimes a “quarterback cardiologist”, providing direction and supervision), an interventional cardiologist and a cardiovascular surgeon – viewing the data, discussing it with the patient, discussing the risk to benefit ratio (which is different between the two procedures) and then reaching the optimal conclusion. I think the future is going to be healthcare teams. That will be true for all the new procedures and those healthcare teams will include a wide variety of people. 


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

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